Currently, I’m deep into the lore and side quests of Andromeda. I’m having a shocking amount of fun playing a game that was universally dumped on, but I can see why it got the flack it did. The idea of Andromeda sounds outstanding to me. Explore uncharted space, meet aliens, and even violate Star Fleets prime directive, a true open world sci-fi RPG. Twenty hours in and it’s clear that there are amazing parts of this game, but it’s just how those parts fit together that’s seems to be the critical fault. Well, that and the facial animations.
As of now, I’m enjoying the game and want to finish it. Mainly just to see how narratives play out and if any of my choices matter. Andromeda has done a spectacular job so far of satisfying my Star Trekian cravings, and that alone has been enough to push me through the bugs and questionable design choices. Hopefully, that will remain the case throughout the last 15 or so hours. For now, I’m still diving into side quests and exploring the relationships between Ryder (the player character) and her companions. I can tell there is an excellent game hiding somewhere within Andromeda and I’m determined to find it. There’s a small moon-sized heap of content I want to dive into and discuss, and hopefully shed some light on what stifled the potential of this once great franchise. So stay tuned, coming soon a deep dive into
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