Apr 11, 2019

What is a No Rush preview?

        A No Rush News preview is not your typical preview. Rather than focus on things that have not come out yet, or new game announcements, a majority of our previews will focus on games with steep barriers to entry. For example, a game like Path of Exile or Overwatch that requires a deeper understanding of the mechanics before players can enjoy the game. These games are not necessarily more difficult than others, but new players face a daunting amount of information at the start. That's where we come in! Without going into spoiler territory or overloading your brain with too much information, our previews will get you where you need to be to enjoy playing. Essential information like what items to keep or how skill trees function will help new players not to make those simple mistakes we are all too familiar with. Explaining the different mechanics in each game mode will eliminate those first few brutal games of costing your team the match and apologizing to your TV without a mic on. Now that being said, you still might see the occasional preview of something yet to come out, that is if its something that's been requested or a title one of our writers is passionate about. 
        Our previews are like everything on our site, meaning the whole point is to help you, the player, enjoy the games you want to play. The last thing a new player to a game should feel is discouraged. So if there ever is a specific title that you need help with or want more info on just email us at Norushnews@gmail.com. If you do find the game is for you, then head on over to our deep dive section and get your fix! Still not sure if you want to commit to the price of entry? No problem! There's a review for that. No matter what's your gaming craving, we aim to help. Take your time and find games to play that you'll love, no rush. 

P.S. If you're a smaller developer working on a game, or even have something your working on as a hobby, please email us, we'd love to see your game!